Sunday, July 12, 2009

You Jane Me Tarzan!!

Here you see Anok trying his best to impress Titli, daughter of our regular guests Deep and Nilanjana, when they first met! Poor boy was reduced to swinging from a tree! Well, thank god for the banayans..atleast they are around when you are stuck in a village with no Pizza Hut or Baristaa to take your girl to!
Although they are of the same age, Titli is a propah and prime 'lady', very mature, very bookish. You could spend hours talking to her, and believe me, most of the time you would be the listener! Anok, on the other hand, has very little to do with books! ( except for the fact that he loves buying books!). Anok believes in hands-on experiences, as you can clearly see in the picture! He is completely at home in natural surroundings, among animals and insects.